Alternate Fingerings For The Flute Where Can I Get A Flute Fingering Chart For A Flute With A B Foot?

Where can I get a flute fingering chart for a flute with a b foot? - alternate fingerings for the flute

Please include the site. I have a feel that the bass notes and fingering contains all solutions to certain notes. Thank you.


earthshi... said...

Here are a series of letters that appear on alternate fingerings.

chiu_joh... said...

Notes on the fingers should be the same as the middle layer, with the exception of D and Eb in the left index finger cover. The extra B is for B lower leg below the low C, it is sufficient to cover to reach the C key with the B button with your finger right to the notes, too. As an alternative to clock when the really good air support, not really alternative handles need the original typing is more than enough to help you hit the notes. unless, of course, is your mouth, so that some notes are always wrong. Then you can test drilling at the sites proposed by the person in front of me, lol. Good luck!

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